

Cars can be like our second home, especially if you travel a lot for work or have kids in tow.  Traveling in a disorganized car can begin and end your day with a pang of guilt or embarrassment  when you look at its messy contents.  Not only that, you can waste a lot of time if you have to search for things on a regular basis.

Follow these general tips for keeping your car tidy:

  • Use the opportunity while waiting at the gas pump to throw out food wrappers and trash.
  • Purchase a heavy duty trash bag to keep on board.  Google “car trash bag” and you will be pleasantly surprised by the decorative bags that are available.
  • Decide whether or not you want a ‘no food or drink’ rule for your kids and yourself as well.
  • If snacks are allowed, purchase a small bin with a lid to store small, packaged snacks or keep a small supply in the glove box.
  • Keep cleaning supplies easily accessible in your garage or trunk for regular cleaning sessions.
  • Use the trunk for organizing caddies or crates and grocery bag organizers.

If you use your car for business:

  • Use a good, quality bag or briefcase to transport papers, documents, forms and supplies for appointments.  I have two bags, one for new client consultations and one that holds supplies for organizing sessions.
  • If you transport client files or folders, use a sturdy file box with a lid and handle to keep papers together, protected and easily accessible.
  • Keep the inside and outside of your vehicle clean for a professional image.  You may find it’s  common for clients to walk you out to your car. 

If you have kids:

  • Decide on and enforce “house rules” for eating, discarding wrappers and general clean-up.
  • Little ones usually have snacks and activities in tow.  Google “car organization for kids” to discover a plethora of organizing solutions, including nets for the back of seats and caddies that sit on the seat next  to your children.

Keep your vehicle organized, reduce your stress levels and be sure to travel safely!




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Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson