Monika Kristofferson Efficient Organization NW

Face-to-Face Friends, Not Facebook Friends

Cute sign we saw on the sidewalk!

Today I had coffee with my friend. Last night I had cookies at a book exchange with one person I know and two new people. I had tea by the way. Saturday I went to a holiday party and we ate fresh caught crab dipped in melted butter. Oh, and I had coffee there too. Next Tuesday I’m going to have coffee with two friends at a local coffee shop and the next morning I’m having coffee with a different group of friends at a different location. That’s a lot of coffee isn’t it? I live in Seattle.

Why am I telling you a random rundown of my calendar packed with coffee dates? Because I’m making a special effort to get out and see my friends face-to-face to connect and not just click “like” on their latest Facebook update or “heart” an Instagram post. I super love social media for the many ways we’re able to stay connected, get quick updates on each other’s lives and enjoy looking at photos of families and events. But I think we have to stop and smell the coffee sometimes by meeting up, getting a hug and sharing some laughter together. And sometimes it may even be sharing some tears. And I want this for you too.

Coffee : Looking Glass

Getting together doesn’t have to take up your whole day. I’m busy. My friends are busy. But we’ve found that if we just make a point to get together, that if we just get it on the calendar, we  can get in, drink, maybe eat a bite, visit and get out. Easy and efficient and now I think that should be my new motto. Life is about balance and the great feelings you leave with when your spirit is filled up from friendship makes it worth it to work in face-to-face time.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we’re known for saying we’ll call someone to get together but never do.  We have good intentions and we mean to do it, but we get busy and the time together doesn’t transpire. Well, you’ve got to make it happen and my friends and I are making it happen. I’d love to know if you’re making an effort to spend time with the people in your life that you care about.

Cheers! Bottoms Up! Coffee’s on!

      Coffee at Hanky Pies

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Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson