Monika Kristofferson Efficient Organization NW

Defining Moments in Business

“Sometimes the moments that challenge us the most, define us.” 

Deena Kastor

There are many defining moments that we experience in business. Nothing stays the same in business and nor should it. Everyone’s journey is different, but today I’d like to look at some common defining moments that most of us should be able to relate to.

The Beginning

The first big step is taking a leap of faith and starting your own business. There’s a good chance that there was a catalyst that ignited the spark of your business. Some common jumping points are a job loss, having enough money to quit a day job or a mid-life change such as kids leaving for college as you look for your next calling in life.

Making the leap to start a business is the biggest first defining moment

Choosing a Niche

The definition of a niche is: “Denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.”

When we start a business we’re usually excited and passionate about doing what we love and we try to love it all. But as we continue in business, we may realize it’s better to narrow our focus and be really good at some things but not all things.

For example, a new photographer may take pictures of nature scenes, high school seniors, weddings and professional headshots. After being spread thin, they may begin to focus on what they really love such as specializing in wedding photography.

Other examples of niche work may be working solely with women or moving your business to an online model such as video coaching or creating online courses.

Narrowing your focus and being the expert in your specialized field is a defining moment in business

Gaining Confidence

You could be doing everything right and be very good at what you do, but it may take time to gain confidence in yourself and what you offer.

A big issue people seem to struggle with is being confident in their pricing and feeling comfortable sharing their pricing. It can be scary to say how much you charge and wonder whether someone will think it’s too much and choose not to work with you. Years ago, I listened to a teleclass from the “Red Bench” and they said you should be able to state your prices the same way you would say, “Please pass the salt” at the dinner table. That example has always stuck with me.

Another area of confidence that may take time to strengthen is in our own abilities. When I was a new professional organizer, I remember feeling so nervous on my way to meet with new clients for in-home consultations. I would worry that they would show me something in their home or ask a question and I wouldn’t know what to say. Now I know I’ve ‘got it’ whatever it is that will be coming my way.

Some things that help boost our confidence along the way is getting repeat business, receiving referrals from our clients and getting positive feedback and reviews.  They really do like us!

Gaining and exuding confidence in ourselves and our abilities are great defining moments in business.

Making Changes

Being willing to make changes in our businesses is an important aspect of growth. Engaging in business and business strategies is not a ‘one and done’ deal. We can count on methods and marketing evolving over time and we have to stay innovative and keep up.

There are some specific triggers that may force us to evaluate what we’re doing and how we’re doing them along the way.

Such as:

  • We may find that we don’t like something we’re doing and we dread doing it.
  • We may discover that the way we’re communicating with customers isn’t creating a good connection.
  • We may find that a lack of organization and structure is holding us back in business.
  • We might even get fired! It’s something we don’t like to talk about, but if you’ve been in business long enough, there will be someone that will let you go.

Evaluating how things are working, or not working, is a great opportunity for defining moments to nudge us toward positive growth.

The little moments and the big moments along the way have potential to be defining moments that make us stronger and better women in business.

“It is in the moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

Tony Robbins

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Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson