Monika Kristofferson Efficient Organization NW

How to be Awesome Accountability Partners

Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson

“The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity and accountability.”

Simon Mainwaring

This is the time of year that you may be really geared up to meet your business and personal goals. This may lead to searching for a way to stay accountable to yourself through outside sources like connecting with an accountability partner. That may be a friend, a mentor, a business coach, a connection in a professional group or even someone within your own industry. This may be a one-way connection like someone coaching you or it could be a two-way connection where you are accountability partners.

Here are some tips to get the ball rolling when you are working together with someone else as accountability partners. Both encouraging and maybe even pushing each other to expand and reach your goals.


Get to Know Each Other


  • Learn about each other and what each of you do in business. Get a better understanding of where they started, where they are now and where they want to go.
  • Find out at least a little bit about each other’s personal lives. How you support each other could differ depending on many factors such as having small children at home, being a single parent, starting a second career, etc.
  • Discover what your partner’s struggles and roadblocks are so you can meet them where they need to be met with support.




  • Decide how you will communicate with each other. Do you want to talk on the phone, FaceTime, Zoom, text?
  • How often do you want to chat? Do you want to place a time limit on how long you are engaged so it doesn’t take more of your time than you bargained for? Consider setting a timer to help you stick to it so no one has to feel like they are cutting the other person off.




  • How will you track progress to share later? A shared document, just verbally when you have your accountability call?


  • Consider having structure to the tracking so your calls are purposeful. It could be something like three questions: 1) What did you accomplish?  2) Did you have a roadblock?  3) What is your next step?


Be Honest


  • Be honest with each other about struggles. It can be difficult to be vulnerable and look like you’re not succeeding in business. It’s important that what you both discuss is confidential and you have trust with the other person. You’re not going to grow if you aren’t honest.


Accept Feedback


  • Be willing and open to accept feedback. Your accountability partner may have been down this road before and have great insights and a different perspective that you can’t see right now.




  • Be willing to lift each other up and end calls on a positive note.
  • Make sure you’re being a good listener and not making your partner’s issues about you.
  • Be a cheerleader for progress


The work you do to have progress and achievements to reach your goals is really on you. But an accountability partner can be that extra source of support and wisdom that helps you cross the finish line.

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Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson