Monika Kristofferson Efficient Organization NW

Start Spreading the News About Your Goals

Reach your goals Monika Kristofferson

Set a goal. Tell the world. Walk your talk.


What’s your biggest secret? Is your biggest secret your latest goal? Have you ever had a goal, let’s use a weight goal of losing 20 pounds, but you didn’t tell anyone so you didn’t have to be accountable? If no one knows what you’re up to, you can’t fail right? If you end up diving into that bowl of ice cream, polish off a bag of chips or eat the contents of a  box of crackers, no one will be the wiser that you didn’t make progress. 

When we keep our goals a secret, it’s so much easier to put them off by telling ourselves we’re going to work on them tomorrow, next week or “Monday.” But Monday never comes and you will most likely find yourself in the same place you were last week, last month and last year.

You should really consider letting the cat out of the bag and sharing the news about your goals. Did you know there’s a study included in an article from David DiSalvo that showed…

People who merely thought about their goals and how to reach them succeeded less than 50% of the time, while people who wrote goals down and enlisted friends to help them by sending regular progress reports succceeded closer to 75% of the time. 

So, I’d like you to encourage you to consider sharing your goals with people you can trust. That may be friends, co-workers, a therapist, family members, an accountability partner, an online group or anyone else you feel you can safely lean into.

Your person can check in with you to see how it’s going, cheer you on, provide feedback, lift you up or maybe even give you a little bit of tough love. 

Be sure that you implement the following to get your goals to the finish line:

  • Be clear with yourself about your goals and desired outcomes.


  • Write down your goals and outcomes.


  • Create a deadline to reach your goals.


  • Find your person to share your goals and progress with.


  • Celebrate your success and be sure to include your cheerleader!


Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.

Paul Ryan 

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Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson