Monika Kristofferson Efficient Organization NW

To Marie Kondo or Not to Marie Kondo?

I hope 2019 is off to a great start for you with fresh beginnings! As we embrace this new year, it’s hard to miss all of the chatter, hashtags and excitement around Marie Kondo and her Netflix special, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.” It all started with her first book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.”  And then followed by her next book, “Spark Joy.”

As a professional organizer for 12 years myself-what do I think of this movement? First, I have to say how amazing it is to have a spotlight on professional organizers and what we do to help others-yay! Professional organizing has been an industry since the 80’s. Since I graduated in the late 80’s, I like to fool myself into thinking this is a very young, new industry. But really, it is a much newer profession than so many others out there, right?

Next, I’m thrilled to have people thinking about decluttering, simplifying, buying less and getting rid of more. This can be life changing and Marie got it right in the title of her first book. Let’s all use less, lighten our loads, simplify our homes and reduce stress.

And, I think just like with anything else, we have to have a balance in our approach and one size does not fit all. So, if you’re motivated by rolling your socks and folding your shirts in a very sepecific way, than go for it! If you declutter your sock drawer and toss your socks into the drawer in balls (like I do), that’s okay too!  If you want to thank each and every item for its service that you’re letting go before you put it in a donation bag-go for it. If you simply want to take a moment to hold the entire bag and appreciate that you had these things in your life and now you’re ready to pass them on to someone else to enjoy, that’s okay too!

Hat’s off to Marie for bringing more awareness and inspiration to to process of decluttering and organizing our homes!

If I can be of service to you, please let me know.

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Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson