Monika Kristofferson Efficient Organization NW

What to do Now for a Successful Next Quarter

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”


Steering the ship or pushing your business in the right direction can be in your hands through your planning and your marketing. We need to always be ahead of the game by planning forward and thinking ahead. If you want your next quarter to be successful, you need to be making plans and being proactive the quarter prior. You don’t want to get to the end of the quarter and start marketing. You want to hit the ground running with the foundation you’ve already created on the first day of the next quarter. 

It takes time for our marketing efforts to pay off. Sure, sometimes we hit it lucky and we contact someone and get business right away. But typically, what we do now will pay off down the road. It could be weeks, months or even years later. I’ve had people who have known what I do for years and they finally hired me because they were ready and I was still in their sphere in some way. It could be through social media posts, my monthly email newsletter or a postcard I’ve sent in the mail. The point is, you’ve got to sow the seeds now for a harvest later by staying in touch and in front of your customers and clients.

Since marketing typically takes time to pay off, if we are consistent, it will create consistent results and consistent income. You can’t just stop for two months because you’re currently busy. There will be a lag time between when we start up again and for the time it takes for that marketing to pay off. You don’t want a big lag time in your income do you?

What can you do to stay in touch on a regular basis? 

  • Post tips on social media so people view you as a resource and an expert in your field. 


  • Look for the social media platform or platforms that make the most sense for your business. How old is your target market? Where will the people you serve be? 


  • Post behind the scenes photos and videos. Show yourself setting up a project, volunteering in the community or attending events.
    • Allow people to see that you’re still active and out and about.
    • I think people like to see the more casual photos of what we do. It’s fun to see behind the scenes!


  • Pick up the phone to call or text to check in with your customers and clients. 


  • Create an email newsletter or print and mail a newsletter.


  • Stay active in a networking group so you continue to grow your sphere of influence through other local business professionals. 


  • Be yourself in whatever you do. People want to work with you because they like you! 


  • Don’t compare yourself to others in your industry and what they are doing. Have fun and be creative with your own marketing.


  • As you market, think about what success means to you, not to the person next to you. Market in a way that the results will be in alignment with your definition of success. 


What are some things you can do to market at the holidays to prepare for the upcoming year? 

Things to do to Market at the Holidays

  • Advertise gift certificates for people to purchase for the holidays for your services. You can be the gift!


  • Attend holiday parties and socialize. They could be business parties and events or non-business parties.
    • Just being out and around other people has the potential to create conversations about what you do.
    • Or just seeing your face can be that reminder that you’re still around


  • Attend networking events or holiday parties to chat with people. Your presence will remind people that you’re still working in your industry.


  • Volunteer in your community. There are needs all year around, but this time of year seems to bring up even more opportunities to help others. Again, just getting out of your house and showing your face can spark a reminder or a conversation about what you do.


  • Send holiday cards. This could be Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s cards. It’s fun for people to receive something unexpected in the mail! 


Stay consistent with your marketing, think ahead, be proactive and have fun! 



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Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson