Monika Kristofferson Efficient Organization NW

Why Embrace Business Accountability?

Business Accountability Tips Monika Kristofferson

When you created a business or started working for yourself, a major perk you probably considered was the fact that you didn’t have to answer to anyone. You got to be your own boss-yay! Having flexibility in our hours, our processes, our projects, our marketing and who we choose to work with are all good things when we run our own show. But sometimes being the boss means we can get in our own way when it comes to reaching goals and milestones because we don’t have to answer to anyone. When there’s no accountability to anyone else, it’s very easy to put off decisions, goals and forward movement in business. There’s always another Monday ahead of us to get started on something. But, before we know it, many Mondays can pass us by without any progress. Consider the following perks of accountability to help you move forward confidently in your business:

  • Sharing our goals each week with an accountability partner allows us to figure out what they are. It’s easy for goals and ideas to float around in our heads, sounding good but not actually turning into anything. Communicating them each week means we need to think them through so we can clearly verbalize them. From there, we can start working on them and begin making real things happen.


  • Utilizing an accountability partner gives you some support. Being your own boss is great but sometimes it’s lonely. You can ask your accountability partner for feedback as well as receive encouragement from them.


  • Having an accountability partner applies positive pressure on yourself to complete the tasks you committed yourself to. If you’re struggling to meet your goals, I encourage you to utilize an accountability partner as your cheerleader to keep you moving in the right direction.


I want you to be the business owner who feels accomplished, reaches goals and feels proud of their progress. Accountability goes a long way in helping you do just that!

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Efficient Organization Monika Kristofferson